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Luominen: 12/08/2010 05:19
Päivittää: 12/08/2010 05:21
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fdvdvdxv :: df ddfd

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bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Artikkeli: DFO: Warrior Tanking Information(1) - 12/08/2010 05:21

DFO: Warrior Tanking Information(1)
Apolis Kudos for your extended post on warrior(Dungeon Fighter Online gold) tanking specs with regards to maximum survivability in the post-Naxx era. It's a shame nobody really replied to your questions and observations. We kwow we are late to the party - The Secrets of Ulduar have been well and truly explored - but we have been considering the same issues you mentioned in your post lately. We provide DFO powerleveling for you.

We are the MT of a dedicated 10-man guild, but we're serious about our raiding. We have since cleared many Ulduar hard modes and are just Firefighter away from Algalon. We used to run with an unrelenting assaults (UA) build besides a 15/5/51 in the T7 content. In Ulduar we switched our 15/5/51 to a more defensive 5/10/56 build with 5/5 imp demo shout and defensive glyphs to survive the hard hitting bosses. The shorter CDs on shield wall and last stand were especially helpful for progress. We got the DFO information from other website.